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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 5, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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for a baby sitter, okay. if not, don't go. not fair to other patrons that paid good money to enjoy. >> ed says i think parents need to use common sense. if the baby gets fussy, have respect for others and leave. thanks so much to everyone who responded. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bye. good morning. today is wednesday, march 5. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. blastoff! russia test fires its weapons as president obama waits. is the white house putting the mid term ahead of missile. >> putin looks at this guy and says i'm dealing with an adolescent. >> we're live in kiev with the latest. >> a big development in the case of the teenager suing her parents over money. the judge making his ruling. so was this a case of entitlements or deeper family troubles? it's kid versus parents. round one.
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>> it is the video you have to see. a dramatic rescue caught on camera. terrifying moments when a van full of the three kids in the ocean. mornings are better with friends. >> it's "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> we are looking at the live shot in new orleans. it is ash wednesday. >> it is ash wednesday. a lot of things to be given up today. >> let's see if vladimir putin will use this opportunity to give up the ukraine. in terms of what we're doing, yesterday you saw the secretary of state land there, go to makeshift memorials.
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understand that everybody knows america is with the ukrainian people while offering subsidies while warning putin to stop gobbling up any more territory. meanwhile, he did not stop at all. some of his statements yesterday show he's in one reality and then there's the reality others are in. >> he's asking us to refocus. i really hope things resolve. i hope they calm down, take it down a notch when it comes to putin's actions because we need to focus on the mid terms. these are the president's remarks yesterday. quote, "something about mid terms. i don't know what it is about us. we get a little sleepy. we get a little distracted. we don't turn out the vote. we don't fund campaigns as passionately. it's got to change here because too much is at stake to let this opportunity slip by." >> those comments were at a fund-raiser last night at former senator chuck robb. he married lyndon baines johnson daughter. >> a wedding we were not
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invited to. >> and i love to dance. >> first of all, you weren't born yet. and you were busy. >> president obama also said, you know, we're really good at presidential elections these days, if i don't say so myself, he said. but we're not so good at the mid terms. so he wants all hands on deck, not worried about putin but worried about creating some sort of a political fight. so that's why later today while what's going on in the ukraine is going on there, what's he going to do, the president? he's going to be in connecticut beating the drum about the minimum wage. is that the most pressing thing on his plate right now? he's going to be talking about the minimum wage? yesterday in a classroom talking about the world crisis. >> but he was on the phone with angela merkel for about an hour yesterday and he did make a speech after going to a classroom for an event yesterday. what i thought was really odd -- and you saw that picture right there -- is he chose to make the speech and there was some
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statement about the ukraine. but at the same time he trumped his own secretary of state while the secretary of state is talking dramatically from the ukraine about our next step and the world is watching, all of a sudden we have to switch, all the other networks, to the president of the united states at a grammar school making a similar speech and similar statements. he actually trumped the guy that was in the eye of the storm, his own guy. >> did he send a message of strength? there's nothing wrong with being in a classroom. if you can get into a classroom, anybody, go in there and do some good. if you're going to talk about what's going on in the ukraine, fine. but to bring those two world together perhaps not sending a strong message unless you're stopping on the g on the alphabet map and then walking over to the 8. charles krauthammer said this isn't sending a strong message. in fact, he looked like an add less isn't. isn't. -- adolescent. >> putin said i'm dealing
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with an adolescent. what putin did, k.g.b. agent and a thug, he pockets all the things obama gives for nothing and struts on the stage knowing he has an adversary on the white house who will do nothing. and he has done nothing. >> he hasn't done much. there's been talk the last couple of days about maybe we'll have sanctions. there's a great item in the "wall street journal" today that talks about how their largest trading partner in russia is europe. don't look for russia to do anything. the economies are so interconnected. just the fact yesterday that when they fired off, they test fired the icbm, and russia said that had nothing to do with crimea, had nothing to do with ukraine. and we're supposed to believe that? >> he also said one of the reasons he moved in is the protests that ousted the constitutional president was reminiscent of the neotphad stkeu -- neotphad
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neotphad -- neonazi movement? we'll see what happens because there was a sense that we're trying to give him a diplomatic off ramp, but there is no sense that vladimir putin wapbs that off ramp. >> there is a long term vision from putin and seems to be a short term vision through the administration when it comes to mid terms. our vision is going to shift over to other headlines. good morning, heather nauert. >> good morning. remember when putin said there are no troops. fox news alert, day three, the oscar pistorius trial. here's a look inside the courtroom in south africa. today the defense is challenging a couple's testimony that they heard screams and gunshots coming from pistorius's home the night he shot his
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girlfriend. pistorius's next door neighbor broke down on the stand yesterday recalling the screams that she heard. >> the shots [crying] >> at one point pistorius -- you can see him as he puts his hands over his ears appearing to block out his testimony. he has pleaded not guilty. we'll keep watching this case. at this hour officials are preparing for a more extensive investigation into that massive gas explosion that blew apart a condominium complex leaving one woman dead and seven others hurt. this happened in ewing, new jersey, after contractors responded to a power problem, hit a gas line. neighbors say the force from the blast felt like a bomb. >> it kind of blew me back like 10, 15 feet. it was just chaos outside. people were crying, nobody knew what was going on. >> look at that right there. this house is blown to
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bits. several of those homes were leveled. most of the residents forced from their homes, wouldn't be able to return until this morning at the very earliest. a hunt is on for a friend of the alleged boston marathon bomber, joseph tsarnaev. she failed to return to her family last year. some are concerned she has become radicalized to commit crimes in the name of islam. she has been posting to social media sites. >> in mardi gras with the parade. this morning the party is starting to die down, and that is because today is ash wednesday. christians marking the beginning of lent. that's the 48-day period when they prepare for easter sunday and jesus'
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resurrection, a time of reflection and repentance. some give up a favorite food or activity as a sign of sacrifice. those are your headlines. see you in a little bit. thanks. >> we're all parents here. we all have certain requirements of our children. out at the canning place in morris town, new jersey, the father and the mother had a requirement of their 18-year-old daughter. you're going to have a curfew and you're going to have some chores. 18-year-old rachel canning didn't like that. she then moved out last october, and now she has sued her parents for, among other thing, catholic school tuition and a future college fund. and there she is yesterday in court where the judge said sorry, rachel, i'm kind of on your parents' side on this. >> are we going to condone or open the gates to a 12-year-old to sue for an x
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box? 13-year-old sue for an iphone? >> rachel claims one of the main reasons she didn't come home is they wanted her to break up with her boyfriend. the problem is too maybe the story being pushed forward in court doesn't gel with the voice mails put out in court. >> there are a ton of family issues here. ultimately it is sad. you've got a daughter who separated from her family but wants them to pay for college, wants them to pay for her school. mom and dad seem devastated, but they had issues. >> every family has issues. >> not mine. thank you. >> but the e-mails that came out unraveled how deep this kind of got. there was an e-mail rachel wrote -- actually a voice mail to her mom that said -- we cannot use the actual language here. i blank hate you and i have written you off. don't talk to me, don't do anything. i'm blocking you off from
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just about everything. have a nice life. bye mom. she wants to be dependent on them and emansip ated. ultimately it is really sad. the judge said you're not going to get away with getting out of the house, wanting your parents' money and setting precedent for other kid down the road suing their parents for bikes. >> there was an e-mail that shows she was apologetic. it was the first voice mail saying i'm sorry about all of this and hopefully we can work it out. >> it spiraled to the point where she wound up suing her parents. the judge said the parents don't have to pay high school and will decide later if they have to pay college. what do you think about this? is it fine? is it a sign of some deeper family problem? or is this just a sign of the times? e-mail us friends at fox
3:12 am or you can facebook us. >> coming up straight ahead -- >> remember the congressman that had this to say about the republican health care plan? >> if you get sick, america, the republican health care plan is this, die quickly. >> well this morning police want to talk to alan grayson. >> check this out. a van full of kids getting washed away on a florida beach. the terrifying moments caught on camera. we'll tell you what led to that van in that water. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ is anglers being careless and breaking off their rod tip. don't do that. ♪music announcer: at the bass pro shops spring fishing classic, save up to an extra $100 during our rod trade-in sale.
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>> today on ash wednesday christians around the world mark with a cross as a symbol of repent for their sins. >> joining us for this first day of lent, jonathan morris. thank you very much. we kick off ash wednesday with ashes. it began a long time ago with the first public display of ashes. but what do they actually mean? >> it is a reminder of our mortality. at the end of the segment i asked steve to put ashes on me. i brought ashes here. what the layperson says is remember that you're dust and to dust you shall return. it's a very simple thing. it's also a sign that we're all sinful. we're all imperfect, and we need to repent. it's ao season of conversion. >> it's a season that starts with this symbol. but it's a season where we've got 40 days to do something with our soul? >> that's right. i put a little plan
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together. we're going to put it on the screen now. it's not just giving up something. what i would suggest is you give up something and you add something. so it's not just -- i've got to give up candy. how about giving up and adding something in the three areas of what we are: mind, body and soul. in mind, what am i going to give up? maybe i'll stop watching so much trashy television. i'm going to add something positive, do something spiritual reading. how about in the body? i'm going to give up maybe sweets or i'm going to give up alcohol, this or that. and i'm going to add something, do exercise. then in the soul, this is an important one. how about giving up a bad habit? give up a bad habit of some sort and form a virtue. my lent challenge for 2014, don't just give up something. that's a great thing. but how about give up and add something in the three areas of what we are:
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mind, body and soul. make sense? can i ask steve to give me ashes? >> sure. as we get ready to do this, what is the pope's theme for 2014? >> he said something very simple. he said remember it is about love. he said jesus himself became poor so that we might become rich. he even said -- and it is a quote -- for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor. he said it wasn't just poverty for the sake of poverty. that's not a good thing. but to give up something in order that we might become rich. this has probably never been done before on television. >> it's okay for steve to give you ashes? >> you can have lay people do it in churches. i will leave it on my head during the day. this is nice and wet. >> remember that we are dust and that we shall return to dust? >> remember, jonathan, you are dust, and to dust you
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shall rufrpb. -- you shall return. it is a reminder of my mortality. if you guys didn't have such beautiful makeup on, i'd do it to you guys as well. but i'll do it afterwards. >> father, thank you very much. have a great lenten season. >> great message to get us started. are you tired of obamacare? new jersey governor chris christie has advice. what it might mean for 2016. ever feel like one of these couples? >> he's hot. he's colder. i keep my feet out of the bed. >> she likes to watch tv late. i don't. >> this couple heading for a sleep divorce. that sounds way too familiar. we're going to find out what to do about it. ♪ ♪
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got some quick headlines for you on this wednesday morning. happening today, opening arguments in the biggest terrorism trial since september 11. osama bin laden's son-in-law is charged with conspiring to kill americans on september 11, 2001. prosecutors say the al qaeda spokesman played a pivotal role in the attack. a few hours from right now former i.r.s. official lois lerner expected to face lawmakers on capitol hill over her role in the agency's targeting of tea party groups. the question is will she testify? lawmakers say it is possible she could ask for a delay or plead the fifth like she did during a similar hearing last year. >> you know what's crazy? she says she is worried about her own security
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during this. her lawyer came forward and said she's worried about some threats she is getting on this? or does that add to her getting a better deal down the line as she moves towards immunity and somehow, and i'm glad for that, she feels compelled to testify. >> certainly no one would want anyone to be in danger. if it is in fact to create another delay, people would be even more infuriated upon hearing that, i would guess. >> the back story here is going to be unbelievable because we heard for awhile she was going to testify, then she wasn't going to testify. then she said i never said i was going to testify. then an e-mail produced said she absolutely committed to testify and changed her mind. >> issa's committee had to release the e-mail chain that shows the testimony rather than just an e-mail chat between lois lerner's attorney and counsel for the committee. people were going what exactly is happening. brian, you're right. after darrell issa said she is going to be testifying before the committee, who got to him? was it somebody who said
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wait a minute, she's going to testify? we can't have her do that right now. you've got to delay or something like that. maybe if she does testify in open court -- not court, committee hearing -- maybe we will get answers. >> pleading the fifth. what's to hide? if you have nothing to hide and plead the fifth, that brings up a question. struggling, mid term democrats. >> the latest, including what new jersey governor chris christie is telling americans to do to deal with ongoing problems with obamacare. the governor is back. >> the timing of this looks all too political there. 15 million to 17 million people on the individual market, more than 6 million of them have experienced cancellations forcing them to enroll in obamacare. to prevent more cancellations, president obama is adding a new delay to the individual mandate. insurance companies will be allowed to renew people under their old policy. keep in mind these plans do
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not meet obamacare tofs minimum coverage requirements. >> it is causing confusion. i think it will cause chaos. some states may not go along. some insurance companies may not go along because they know what the law says. >> the president is concerned that if several million people have their insurance canceled just before mid term elections in november, democrats
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>> straight ahead, a van full of children getting washed away on a florida beach. terrifying moment caught on camera. >> i had the honor of spending a little time yesterday afternoon with former first lady barbara bush. a sneak peek at my exclusive sit-down interview in her house coming up next. >> you both look good. >> first, happy birthday to pastor joel osteen. he is 51 years old today. >> and he has not stopped smiling ever in his entire life. always up. ♪ ♪ [ fans cheering ] ♪
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[ announcer ] it's derrick coleman. [ derrick coleman ] they told me it couldn't be done, that i was a lost cause. i was picked on... four ears! [ muffled yelling ] coaches didn't know how to talk to me. [ crowd yelling ] they gave up on me, told me i should just quit. [ announcer ] ...underway in pasadena. [ derrick coleman ] don't move until he moves. don't move until he moves. and the last pick is... [ derrick coleman ] they didn't call my name, told me it was over. but i've been deaf since i was three, so i didn't listen. ♪ and now i'm here with the loudest fans in the nfl cheering me on, and i can hear them all. [ crowd cheering ] ♪
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♪ ♪ >> time for your shot of the morning. president george h.w. bush and country super star brad paisley posing for a selfie. paisley performed last
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night in houston but the president wasn't able to make it to the show so the performer went to him. he said everyone else is taking a selfie. why not? >> before the show brad paisley showed up -- before brad paisley showed up, i showed up. i took a selfie too with the former first lady. i think we've got a picture of it. there it is right there. what's interesting is right after i took that, barbara bush said, that was just way too close, steve. >> you only had so much reach. >> there you go. so i was invited to barbara bush's house yesterday, and the former president was there as well. it was 25 years ago tomorrow that they started the barbara bush family foundation for literacy. you realize in this country there are 30 million americans who cannot speak english. the intent of the foundation is to try to get as many people to speak
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english and learn english as possible. so we talked about that. but yesterday was a big day down in texas because george p. bush, who is jeb's son, won the nomination to be land commissioner in texas. so he goes on to the general election. if i'm going to talk about him, i'm going to talk about his father jeb. famously, barbara bush not too long ago said there have got to be more than three families in american politics. the bushes, the kennedys, and the clintons. someone thought was she saying jeb shouldn't run for president? i had to ask her a little bit about jeb. she's very clear about where she stands on him running. listen. >> i don't know if you read "the new york times," but "new york times" maureen dowd had a column and the headlines was "brace yourself for hillary and jeb." >> i did see that and i thought anything to make news. >> is it okay with you if he ran? >> it has nothing to do with me. it just seems to me ridiculous in a country this size that we didn't have other families. i mean, we've got great
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governors, other people. i just don't understand it. and maybe jeb's given all he should give. because he worked awfully hard for a long time. but he is the best qualified person in the country; there is no question about that. put me down as saying that. >> so i've got a feeling if he runs, you would vote for him? >> of course i would. >> just checking. >> in the primary and the general, she went on to say. >> wise perspective there. >> really. she also said she read one of doris kearns goodwin's book and talked about the 1700's and back then there were three families that ran for politics all the time as well. she said maybe it's not a big deal. >> how was she? you've known her for awhile. >> she's great. she had that health scare in january where she had pneumonia. she looks great and she's just as feisty and funny as ever. >> she yell at you?
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>> a little bit. >> how many times? >> just a little bit. she said steve, we've got to hurry up. brad paisley is coming. i saw the former president and he is doing well as well. >> who sent out a tweet and said doocy, it's a tie when it comes to the selfie. he didn't but i thought it would be a good tweet. >> you'll learn more about the great program that the former first lady started 25 years ago tomorrow about an hour from now right here on fox. >> steve, it's a little awkward because i'm against literacy and you've taken the other side. >> we're going to have a read-in. heather is giggling over there. >> i'm always cracking up in the corner. nice job. he was convicted of killing a baltimore cop, but today he walks free. 67-year-old marshal conway is a former leader of the black panthers. he was convicted in 1971 of fatally shooting
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35-year-old police officer donald figger. conway is one of dozens of inmates released after the maryland court of appeals ruled judges at the time gave improper instructions to juries before 1980. one former police union president says the release is simply wrong. >> now we know life doesn't mean life. it means until we come up with an excuse to let them out, whether they're old, whether we found a technicality 40 years later, 45 years later. >> conway will be on probation for the next five years. >> you remember the congressman who had this to say about the republicans' health care plan? >> you get sick, america, the republican health care plan is this, die quickly. >> well this morning police want to talk to alan grayson. the florida democrat's wife is now accusing him of pushing her during an argument. he claims it's all a lie. the orange county sherrif's
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office says they are investigating a report of domestic violence but no charges have been filed. grayson's wife filed for divorce in january. a dramatic rescue caught on camera. life guards in daytona beach, florida, running into crashing waves to save three young children inside the back of this minivan as it filled up with water. you can see one man pulling the last of the three children out of the trunk area. thankfully all those children are okay this morning. the mother was admitted to the hospital for a mental health examination after a witness said that the children were screaming that she intentionally drove that vehicle into the ocean trying to harm them. boy. okay, that's it for now. let's head back to you guys and maria. >> that's a terrible story. glad everybody got out okay. maria anything but terrible. she already tweeted a map and told everyone what she's going to be talking about in terms of the weather. >> temperatures have been
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so cold across parts of the northeast, the midwest. even had to put a shirt on, which was great. let's take a look at the temperatures for today because yet again they are going to be below average across the great lakes. take a look at these highs for chicago, for cities like cleveland and into minneapolis, you're only going to make it into the 20's. that's even below average for many of you. but by this weekend a warming trend especially across parts of the east coast. new york city, you're going to make it into the 50's. that's the story as well across cities like philadelphia and down into washington, d.c. enjoy the mild temperatures as we get into the weekend. we have some snow across sections of the northeast. generally very light accumulation. just a few snow showers across the midwest where a system could produce three to five inches of snow and farther south into the gulf coast, areas of heavy rain especially early today and farther west, pacific northwest, northern california, a number of storm systems heading into your region and tphraogsd
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tphraogsd -- flooding concerns. >> the second baseman kinsler isn't happy with the rangers. he said he wasn't told right away he was being traded in november. he ripped apart the general manager john daniels calling him a sleeze ball. he also said he hopes the team goes winless this year. the rangers didn't seem too shaken by his comments. nolan ryan isn't there anymore. soccer, a sport i'm a little familiar with. a star in spain got dissed by a ball boy but still was able to score. rinaldo tried to retrieve a ball from the sidelines and the ball boy tried to delay him. ronaldo got the last laugh.
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look at that. the ball boy treating him badly. you know a team rivalry is intense when riot police have to get involved. the coach gets slapped in the face with a soda who -- by a fan who was angry the team won. coming up later martha maccallum whoeus nice and blonde -- who is nice and blonde. >> she is a warrior. love her. >> coming up on our show today, unions running wild. our next guest is being bullied by them daily but she can't do anything about it because it is allowed by law. we're going to tell you where that crazy rule is. >> remember the couple that became instant millionaires after finding a pot of gold in their backyard. turns out they may not be
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so lucky after all. oh no. >> a leprechaun came to claim it. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom.
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millions have raised their hand for the proven relief of the purple pill. and that relief could be in your hand. for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms from acid reflux disease. find out how you can save at there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache,
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abdominal pain, and diarrhea if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exi. avoid if you te clopidogrel. for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor abouxium. a a may have to give it back. the coins may have been stolen from the u.s. mint in 1900. if that's the case, they would be the property of the government. that is ridiculous. the nominees for the 2014 nobel peace prize have been announced and somehow these two made the cut. russian president vladimir putin and n.s.a. leaker edward snowden. are you kidding? any anti-american other person nominated? this year's field is the largest ever with 278 candidates. let's hope they both lose.
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>> in other news, an executive construction company in pennsylvania and her family are being stalked and harassed by union members in philadelphia and it's completely legal. serena rose refuses to let union workers renovate an apartment building and is constantly bullied on her way to and from work. but because of a little known law that protects labor groups, they cannot be stopped legally. serena rose is trying to bring it to an end. she joins us live from philadelphia. good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> your company was renovating this place, and you had some union labor on hand to do it, but they really wanted it to be 100% union guys and gals on the site. so what did they start doing? >> that is correct. we had four union contractors actively working on the site. we received increasing pressure to commit to 100%
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union which we couldn't and wouldn't do. we hired an open shop contractor to construct a small model unit in the building, and all the union subcontractors we had hired walked off the job. it resulted in an impasse, and we thought that we had no choice but to continue on with open shop contractors. at that point -- >> which seems completely fine and fair. but then theuys didn't like that and they started coming after you. and it apparently is absolutely condoned by pennsylvania law? >> yes. hundreds of contractors protested the site, or protesters came to the site. a daily day in the life of the site included, you know, welded nail balls, disabling vehicles, you know, you know, guys, you know, a couple incidents where guys were kraeused --
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chased with crowbars. some were actually hit. there was an incident where a contractor was trying to get into the site and he was pinned between the fence and a wall and repeatedly crushed until he fell to the ground. a lot of these incidents are on our website. they are quite violent. >> in addition, sarina, they have been harassing your children. they are trying to make a point, use union labor. you refused to do that. what did you do? you took all the information. as it turns out, the cops' hands are tied and the courts can't do anything because according to pennsylvania crime code, laws on harassment and stalking and threats to use weapons of mass destruction have this clause. this section shall not apply to lawful conduct by a party to a labor dispute. what they consider lawful conduct is if it's involving a labor group,
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the state law protects them from harassment claims. where'd that come from? >> we're not really sure. i don't even believe the legislators are sure. i testified before the house judiciary committee, and they were perplexed as well. i think the spirit of the law, you know, hopefully there was good intentions, but you know, clearly it's being used in an improper way. >> absolutely. >> it can't continue. we need to be able to prosecute people for doing these bad things. and it sets the wrong tone. >> absolutely. it is a culture of violence. if people are harassing, they should be held accountable. apparently this is a law that dates back to the 1930's. luckily for you, although it could be too late for you, a republican state senator there by the name
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of ron miller is trying to introduce legislation to change all that. we're going to keep an eye on your case, sarina. good luck to you and keep on keeping on. >> thanks for your support. >> your website was? spoil -- >> >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> what do you think about that, the fact that it is condoned by the law, an exemption for harassment? coming up, it's the most dreaded test for all teenagers and it is about to change. we're going to tell you about the new s.a.t. you ever feel like one of these couples? >> i just am always hot, he's colder. i have to keep my feet out of the bed. >> she likes to watch tv late. i don't. >> are these people heading for a sleep divorce? we're going to talk about that. it's sleep week on "fox & friends." stay awake. ♪ ♪ ♪
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because that will help you sleep more soundly. you want to keep the room cooler, the range is 65 to 75 degrees. for the one who likes it warmer, light clothes and socks. >> what about the person that
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goes to bed early as one who likes to watch late shows? here is an example. >> she likes to watch tv when i want to go to sleep. and i'll ask her to go to the front room and she won't. >> last night i wanted to watch tv a little longer. and it can be on. it doesn't matter. he's like, turn it off. so i want to kill him. >> so their solution? >> you got to get rid of the tv. the brain gets light. that tells it where it is in the 24 hour day. that tv is pushing your bedtime later and later keeping you up and you're not getting your sleep. got to get rid of the tv. >> it's the light, not the noise? >> the light and the noise. you need quiet, dark, cool room to sleep. >> very good. great advice. thank you very much. >> by the way, my advice to you is stay up because we have two more hours of our show straight ahead. remember when harry reid was eager to attack the koch brothers? >> these two brothers are about
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as unamerican as anyone that i can imagine. >> what about the shady behavior of the democratic donors? why isn't he saying anything about that with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it.
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or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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good morning. today is wednesday issues march 5. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. a big fail for secretary of state john kerryment. etches left waiting when russians didn't show up for their meeting. barbara bush breaking her silence on whether her son, jeb, should run for president. >> but he is the best qualified person in the country. there is no question about that. >> all right. our exclusive sit down with the former first lady from houston straight ahead. >> she's still on the top of her game. imagine coming home to this. everything you own is gone because the cleaners made one tiny mistake. >> they took you to the cleaners? >> i think so. according to studies by
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rasmussen, pew people and others, mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's the great way to begin your day. >> hi, everybody. welcome. studio e, midtown manhattan. it is the day after fat tuesday, or shrove tuesday, or mardi gras. today is ash wednesday, 40 days of lent start today. >> yes. father jonathan told us earlier, day to do something or give up something. >> also a signal that march madness is coming. get your brackets ready. i just remember one time i interviewed digger phelps and i wanted to save the interview for before the tournament. problem is, he just got ashes. it was like, what happened to his head.
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i apologize, former notre dame coach, now commentator. if you have a story of interviewing a famous coach on ash wednesday, share it with us. >> just got one. two tweets came in. we are going to begin with a fox news alert. the u.s. has failed to bring together russia to a meeting. john kerry said regrettably, one member of russia had not appeared for the meeting. this is as russia launches a test missile. amy kellogg is live with the latest developments. what can you tell us? >> reporter: you're getting that before i am. but it's not surprising given the level of tension that exists now. russian president putin said this morning in a possible sign of deescalation that he wants to return to economic cooperation with all traditional partners despite political tensions. and then furthermore, we heard from the head of ukraine security services this morning
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that things had not necessarily escalated overnight in crimea, which is the area russian troops effectively control. but he did say while he appreciates all the support of the west, he would like at this point to see a little bit more. no one here is asking for western or american troops on the ground. but what they would like is something a little stronger, maybe, for example, some warships in the black sea or i've heard people talk about humanitarian deliveries to ukraine, but in western military planes. nothing like military intervention. just something slightly more muscular because we keep seeing these scenes in crimea like yesterday, when russian troops surround yet another ukrainian base, cutting off supplies to the ukrainian soldiers who are holed up inside. then the diplomatic maneuverings in paris seem to be hitting a few walls already. john kerry is there.
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russian foreign minister is supposed to be there. ukraine's new foreign minister there. this is supposed to be a talk about syria. but now ukraine is agenda number one. also what is hoped today is to get the russian foreign minister together with the new acting ukrainian foreign minister. that would be very important. and one last note. in an extraordinary comment, the foreign minister said that russia doesn't have the ability to pull its forces back from crimea because its forces are local defense forces and that is something that sort of is beyond the credence of people at this point. >> amy kellogg, thank you for those updates. we will look to you to keep us updated. >> putin was saying they had uniforms from the soviet days. 16,000 people marching in order, all speaking russian, into another country. wasn't me. >> all hit the thrift shop and
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just hit the streets. >> you know what he's talking about. >> it's all part -- look, it's all part of a plan. some had suggested as soon as the sochi olympics are over, putin is going to try something. how many people do you hearsay that? now fast forward to yesterday they fired an icbm and some question whether or not they gave united states proper notice that we're going to light one of these candles. but was there intel ahead of this? did it get to the right people? was it simply dismissed? paul ryan, he just doesn't get it, what they're doing with foreign policy in this administration and he said this and he's right. >> there are moments when i just look down and shake my head and say, i can't believe we lost these guys. this is one of these moments. mitt was right. i think the president was incredibly naive on his russia policy. i think is what happens when a super power projects weakness in its foreign and defense policy,
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aggression fills that vacuum. >> one thing secretary gates has got the number one book in the country and said we have very few options at this point. we have to meet with the other members, like poland and holiday i can't and the other nations in the area and make sure they have a defense plan. sure enough, this morning poland requested that nato have an emergency meeting in case they get invaded next. what are we going to do then? go i don't know? take a portion of poland and we'll move on? >> as we heard many say, putin seems to be hungry for more. we're waiting and reacting to him. he's ordered a review of the intelligence analysis that was produced earlier on, saying that two different stories came out. people left a review saying part of the intelligence said one thing, part of it said another. he wants to make sure that the reason we missed this was not something significant. >> we missed the georgia thing, too. >> sure, we do. and did they get punished? no. they got the sochi olympics. paul ryan is right. he's got to be scratching his
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head thinking, we lost to these guys? mitt romney was right. russia as it turns out is our number one geopolitical foe. and all you got to do is look at what is going on right now and the president of the united states doesn't think we're in the cold war, long gone? take a look at the headlines. it's here. >> heather is here. what made it worse, is they were mocked for bringing that up about russia. >> the main stream media helped them. >> sarah palin brought it up as well. >> she was right, too. >> she should be fired up about that. that was a nightmare about "saturday night live." >> got news to bring you. let's get to a fox news alert. today is day three of the oscar pistorius trial underway. here is a live look inside the courtroom in south africa. right now pistorius' friend is recounting gun shots at a restaurant back in 2013. that friend is saying pistorius asked someone else to take the blame for shooting a gun inside that restaurant.
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earlier the defense challenging the couple's testimony that they heard screams and gun shots coming from pistorius' home the night he shot his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. pistorius' next-door neighbor broke down on the stand yesterday, recalling the screams that she heard. listen to this. >> the shots. >> at one point, pistorius putting his hands over his ears. you can see this in this picture. appearing to block out the testimony that they were listening to. he has pleaded not guilty. we'll keep watching this case. the hunt is on at this hour for a friend of the alleged boston marathon bomber, dzhokhar tsarnaev. 23-year-old woman, you can see her here, failed to return to massachusetts from a trip to chechnya with her family last year. she's seen here in this photo with dzhokhar tsarnaev and other people. terrorism experts fear she's become radicalized and wants to
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commit violence in the name of islam. she has been posting photos on social media showing women dressed as jihaddists and holding weapons. today is ash wednesday and christians are mark the beginning of lent. the 40-day period when they prepare for easter sunday and also jesus' resurrection. earlier on "fox & friends" this morning attention father jonathan joined us and received his ashes from steve. >> remember that we are dust and that we shall return to dust. >> yes, remember, jonathan, you are dust and to dust you shall return. it's a reminder of my mortality. >> and we learned here today that anyone can do that, as we saw steve do it. lent is a time of reflection and repentance. some give up favorite food or sacrifice. he suggested christians add something positive as well. what if you came home to find your apartment totally
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cleared out like this one? this happened to a guy in manhattan. everything was gone except for his tv and a play station 3. it turns out there was a trash removal service that took all the stuff from the wrong apartment and left it at the city dump. this guy lives in an apartment 2-d and the work order was for apartment 2-b as in boy. the value of the stuff that's missing? $40,000. he's suing the management company, landlord and the trash contractor. those are your headlines. sometimes you really like having nothing but a tv and play station. >> we're supposed to believe they took all that stuff to the dump. i'm sure if there is good stuff, they kept it. some of those guys from the cleanout service might be wearing his favorite blazer today. >> that's traumatic. imagine walking in to your apartment looking something like that photo? >> you know what i'm thinking? it's a good time to do the floor s. >> always thinking practically. >> honey, we have no furniture. let's do the floors.
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save us on moving stuff around. >> silver lining. >> straight ahead, harry reid doubling down on attacking the koch brothers. >> two brothers are about as unamerican as anyone that i can imagine. >> really? where is the outrage for the big democratic donors, like the one behind the plan to take away freedom of the press? wait until you hear about this. it's coming up. plus, real or not, back to the future has finally arrived. celebrities taking it for a spin. here is the question: is this real? are we to believe the future is now? >> stick around. ♪ ♪ 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971.
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the koch brothers don't care about maintaining the strong safety net of medicare and social security and the koch brothers don't care about guarantee of affordable, quality health insurance for every american. what is going on with these two brothers made billions of dollars last year in an family to buy our democracy is dishonest, deceptive, false and unfair. these two brothers are about as unamerican as anyone i can imagine. >> we got to see about his imagination then. liberal leaders like harry reid eager to attack those like the koch brothers. perhaps that's a distraction. new reports linked big democratic donors like george soros to shady behavior. that controversial fcc study to send spies into our news rooms. why isn't harry reid talking about that? out of time perhaps? byron york is the political correspondent for the new york examiner. why the koch brothers?
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why are they in the cross hairs right now with him? >> there seems to be a democratic plan to target somebody every few years. go back four years to the 2010 elections. democrats were in trouble back then, too. they talked about the chamber of commerce and said it was the foreign funded chamber of commerce. you google it. go back to october of 2010 and they talked about it all the time. so the new villain are the koch brothers and i think you're going to hear that from now all the way through november. >> how about this, if they're looking for a suggestion, what about examining george soros. gave money to journalism school, university of wisconsin, and $300,000 to the school's madison commons project. they also we want after the west coast, where they received $195,000 in donation from george soros open societies foundation and the journalism in partnership with ethnic media conferences. looks like he's trying gain influence with the next
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generation of journalists. >> absolutely. you mentioned those two because they were the ones who were involved in the study from the federal communications commission. i think you have to look kind of at the bigger picture with the study because a lot of liberal reformers have been very unhappy for years at the continued success of rush limbaugh. they want to limit that success if they can. they used to cling to the hope that they could restore the old fairness doctrine. clearly unconstitutional. i think they've given up on that. but they've come up with a new idea called media diversity. they want to change the ownership of radio stations around the country if they can do that, new owners won't play limbaugh. they reduce his influence that way. that's what they want to do. >> it's amazing because they can't get successful liberal talk show hosts. so they're going to try to do it some other way, having somebody else buy the stations and have no one listen perhaps. let's look at this, in terms of donor, we were curious. how much influence do the koch brothers have in terms of dollars given? look at the top 15 donors.
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they have some ties to democrats. if you want to go all the way down and find the koch brothers, you have to go down to number 59. they're creating a villain where maybe none exists. what about senator reid making these statements, inflammatory statements where he's got immunity on the senate floor? why doesn't he go outside and accuse mitt romney of not paying taxes? it would be a different story, wouldn't it? >> you're right to bring up that romney thing. he made pretty much a scandalous accusation against him not paying taxes, again from the congress floor. a list was posted of the important donors. labor unions are by far and away the biggest, most influential of those donors and many of them give 90-plus percent of their contributions to democrats. if you're going to talk about money in politics, you can not just talk about the koch brothers. you've got to talk about the big
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unions. >> it's almost like vince mcmahon producing these elections on the democratic side. they have to make a good guy and villain. mitt romney was the bad guy. it's not so much the policies, it's how bad he is. now let's create another villain, these horrible people financing a bunch of illogical candidates against the good guys. black hats and white hats. i wonder how long america will buy it. >> the whole idea right now is to tar a republican candidate with the villainy of the koch brothers because americans for prosperity, a group that the koch brothers do fund, does a lot of ads that play in local elections and states around the country. so democratic candidate having villainized the koch brothers can say, my opponent is taking money from the koch brothers. that's the whole game here. >> right. try to push them aside. all right. thanks so much. always appreciate your insight. >> thank you, brian. 19 minutes after the hour. here is what's straight ahead, tucked inside the white house's proposed budget for next year, obamacare bailout.
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that's what's been warned here. the staggering numbers are revealed. then barbara bush knows who should be the next president. >> but he is the best qualified person in the country. there is no question about that. >> her pick for 2016 in steve's exclusive sit-down with our former first lady. that's his selfy. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and u'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a widrange of investment options...
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23 minutes past the hour. time for news by the numbers. first, $5.5 billion. that's how much the white
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house's 2015 budget allots for an obamacare bailout. it creates a temporary pool of money to pay insurers who have a higher than expected number of sick patients. 2016, changes to the sat will take effect. take a breath. an announcement will be made later today to spell them out. the college entrance exam getting its first upgrade since 2005. finally, $63 million. that's how much federal government is suing sprint for. the feds say the phone carrier overcharged them for the right to snoop on their phones. >> great. the matriarch of the bush family has been a part of america's lives for decades and she continues to help others even at the age of 88. for the past 25 years, the barbara bush foundation for family literacy got started 25 years ago tomorrow, has been establishing the value of literacy in each and every american home. i got a chance to chat with
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mrs. bush at her house in houston, texas yesterday. mrs. bush, thank you very much for inviting us into your house. >> i'm thrilled to have you, if you talk about literacy. >> i'm gonna, but first if you don't mind, i would like to do my impersonation of your husband, john cornyn herbert walker bush. >> go on. oh, i love it. >> i did get an extra pair, if you would like to give him these for later. just tell him there is -- they're the fox socks. let's go back long before you were first lady. i understand you were jogging in memorial park here in houston and you were thinking, what can i do to make a difference? and you came up with reading. >> literacy. >> literacy. >> i still feel the same way about it. we changed our focus from adult literacy, which is what we originally did, to family literacy, feeling that if the
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mother and child learned together, it just makes such a difference. and now that jeb and doro are heading my foundation, they sort of delicately pushed me out. >> you've been squeezed out of your own -- >> squeezed out of my own club. jeb said, mom, while the iron is hot, you should get out. >> a couple of years ago i went down to the celebration of reading, which is part of your program in florida, went two years in a row. over the last 25 years, what's been the greatest satisfaction for you personally? >> just the fact that we're in 50 states and we were not in one state when we started. there were no programs before and now we're in 50 states. we've given away, i think, $60 million. >> as you look back, which of the stages has been mom, grandma, what's really been satisfying? >> all of them. mom, i love. we had babies so early that i could play golf with george w.
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and throw him off the golf course for profanity. i think we're very, very close, george and i because we did a lot of things together as young mothers. we went through some very tough times, too. he was my hero. still is. that hurts when people criticize george w. and don't ever dare do it in front of me, or behind me. >> you have been in this business of politics and public service for many -- your whole life. how do you explain what kind of a business it is? >> i think it brings you closer together because you are hurt by the criticisms and don't criticize george w in front of jeb. >> going to wind up losing a finger? >> i don't know, but i've heard him defend his brother. >> i don't know if you're a reader of the "new york times," but "new york times," maureen do you do had a column and it was brace yourself for hillary and jeb. >> i did see that and i thought,
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anything to make news. you read about the man who dies and his obituary is about that big and did you read about this man who said, don't send flowers. don't send donations to anything. cancel your "new york times" subscription. so i did. >> the reason i mentioned maureen dodd saying brace yourself for hillary and jeb -- n this country, which is such a great country, that there are more than three families. then i read the bully pulpit, i think by doris goodman and she points out that in 1700, there were only three families. so maybe it's okay. it just seemed to me ridiculous in a country this size that we didn't have other families. we got great governors and other people. i just don't understand it. and maybe jeb's given all he should give, 'cause he worked
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awfully hard for a long time. but he is the best qualified person in the country. there is no question about that. put me down as saying that. >> you are one of the most widely admired women in the world. i was trying to think, why? >> why? >> i'll tell i couldn't. >> never mind. don't answer. >> i'm going to tell you why. you're a straight shooter. you say what's on your mind. >> i've given that up for lent. >> i talked to her yesterday. great interview, wide ranging. she had a scare with pneumonia in january. she went in, came out. she said she's feeling great. also the former president, george herbert walker bush, was there. he's in great spirits as well. i asked her how he was and she said, well, his legs don't work. but he doesn't complain and he's absolutely wonderful, she said. and coming up, an hour from now, you're going to see just exactly the depth of that love. i mean, there is a mother who really loves her children and her grandchildren and she loves
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all the people who have gone through that literacy program that started 25 years ago tomorrow. >> i get the sense that it was easier to be the first lady than to be the first mother. >> you're absolutely right. >> just watching that. great job, steve. >> thank you very much. if you want more information about the literacy program, go to >> families reading together. i love that. difference maker for sure. in other n crisis in ukraine taking a toll on the markets. but stuart varney says it's putin who will pay the financial price. he's going to join us next with that. >> and any parent can relate to this, your baby just won't stop crying. one couple left this nasty note telling them they should have left their screaming kid at home. this fine or over the line. >> "fox & friends" wants to help you turn your million dollars idea into a reality. submit a video of your brilliant proposal on our web site and shark tank star laurie griner
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will help guide you down the path to success. it will earn awe private consultation with her and have their video featured right here on our show. >> wow. >> that's great. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis... the length 146 football fields...
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♪ ♪ >> is the future now, back to the future promised it would be ready by 2015. has the real life hoverboard a year early? according to a promotional campaign by the company, the technology is here. they posted this video on-line with celebrities like tony hawk, terrell owen, professing their amazement with that they were able to stay up and essentially fly. >> everybody is looking at this thinking, i got to get one of those. but how real -- >> that's christopher lloyd! it has to be real! >> take a look at the fine print from their web site. it says, quote, the ininclusion of any products or services on this web site at a particular time does not imply or warrant that these products or services shall be available at any time. >> what does that mean? >> essentially it means --
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>> you can't buy it yet. it doesn't mean it's not real. >> i'm going to cry about this. maybe not as loud as this one baby. did you all hear this? the hotel guest were staying, they took their baby on a trip to colorado ski resort. the baby was crying. they found under their door this nasty letter from someone staying close to them, which actually said this: babies don't ski. no reason to bring them to a ski resort. i never brought them to a place like this. i would never bring mine to a place like this. the baby's uncle was so horrified that someone would send this note he said, wait a minute. you got to draw the line somewhere. this is just a family trying to get together and go on vacation. leave them be. >> absolutely. >> where do you stand on that? do you understand the family that is also on vacation with thin walls and you can't sleep? they just wanted a break, or side with the people with the
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child? >> if it were one of those singles places and they took their kid. >> is it because of the location? >> yes. >> do you go to the manager? do you take it right to the door of the parents who are having a hard enough time with the screaming baby? >> unfortunately, there are too many parents who don't vacation with their kids. they leave them at home and go out and live it up without them. i think it's great that they took the kid with them, but maybe the kid made too much noise. maybe they should have done a better job of keeping the baby quiet. >> maybe they should try to keep the kid happier. >> let us know what you think about this. facebook, e-mail, twitter, we want to know. heather, you're smiling because you know we've had screaming baby. >> we've been there, haven't we? most parents are good, they'll try do whatever they can to keep the child quiet. also vacations couples, too. got some headlines. two hours from now, the former irs official, lois lerner, is expected to face lawmakers on capitol hill over her role in the agency's targeting of tea
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party groups. the question is, will she testify? her attorney says that she fears for her life if she testifies openly. house oversight committee members are reportedly open to granting her a one-week delay if she petitions for that in person at today's hearing. boy, we'll watch that closely. he is the highest ranking member of al-qaeda to face trial on u.s. soil since the 9-11 attacks. and in just a few hours from now, opening arguments will begin in the trial against osama bin laden's son-in-law. he's charged with conspire to go kill americans. prosecutors say that he used his role as al-qaeda spokesman to announce in videos with bin laden that more terrorist attacks were on the way. that taking place today. and dramatic and upsetting rescue caught on camera in florida. life guards in daytona beach running into crashing waves to
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save three young children inside this mini van as it started filling up with water. you can see here as one man pulls the last of the three children out of the trunk area of that car. thankfully, all three children are okay this morning. the mother was admitted to the hospital for a mental health examination after a witness said that the children were screaming that she intentionally drove that vehicle into the water. one brave life guard was seen walking out of the ocean with two children in his arms. unbelievable. the nominees for the 2014 nobel peace prize have been announced and some of them might shock you. russian president putin made that list, no joke, with his sponsor citing his role in the syrian crisis to put the country's weapons under international control. that's the reason they gave for putting him on the list. also nsa leaker edward snowden has been nominated. snowden is living in russia after he released all of those classified documents. this year's field is the largest
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ever with 278 candidates. what do you think of those names? those are your headlines. elisabeth, over to you now. >> thanks. the crisis in ukraine taking a toll on markets around the world. but who is hurting the most? russia's stock market tanking. but how is it affecting the u.s.? stuart varney is here to weigh in on that. >> good morning. >> how does this affect us? it looked like the market jumped yesterday for us. >> yes. when russia first went into the crimea, our stock market went straight down because there was a danger of a shooting war, either accident or intentional, but somebody would fire a shot in anger and the whole thing blows up. that didn't happen. and the danger of a shooting war receded. consequently, our stock market went straight up yesterday. more than recouping the losses of the day before. today you're going to see the market open right about the same level that it closed at yesterday. so no further losses, in further
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gains. stability for now. >> let's talk about the russian currency, what's happening with that? >> i think putin will pay financial price. okay, he's won geopolitically. he's got the crimea. i don't think he's going to leave. but when you look at finance, i think putin may be a loser here. his currency has tumbled and it remains close to all-time record lows against the u.s. dollar. that means everything that russia imports, and boy, do they import a lot of stuff because they don't make much locally. everything there goes straight up in price. that is a problem. this capital flight, money leaves russia because they're worried about can you get your money back? can you get it out? new money does not go in because you're worried that if you put it in, you can't get it out. you got multiple problems here. >> we were talking earlier today about this "wall street journal" item that talks about how, because russia and europe's economies are closer linked, sanctions probably aren't going to happen that will really hurt russia.
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how do we make sure nothing impacts the american economy going forward? >> if we want to acquire leverage over russia, we get throughout and increase our own domestic natural gas supply, increase it rapidly now. >> throw it on the market. >> yes. and throw it on the world market. allow the export of natural gas. >> currently that's not legal. >> no. at the moment it's not. but we should make it legal very, very quickly. right now russia supplies the heating natural gas for big chunks of western europe. >> it's western europe's crack pipe. >> it is indeed, you're right. if we were to replace the russian supply with american natural gas, and we could do this, over the longer term, but we could do it, we get leverage over russia financially. we need it. >> we should. >> yes indeed. >> thank you. >> we're going to watch you at 11 today, whether you like it or not. >> sure are. >> he runs out of gas and he has to be taken off. >> thanks. coming up, the military hiring muslim chaplains with
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ties to terror. could this decision be putting our brave men and women in danger? >> then he wanted to expand his business and hire more workers, but because of obamacare he can not. this business owner proving the president's plan is killing jobs here next. first a trivia question of the day, born on this date in 1975, this model appeared on the "celebrity apprentice." who is she? >> a model on the apprentice? has it ever happened? >> e-mail us with the correct answer and you'll be today's big winner all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and it comes in a pen. and the needle is thin.
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victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen
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or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. welcome back. his american dream has been put on hold because of obamacare. he wanted to expand his pet lodge company to more locations, but that would increase his employee size to 50, since he can't afford health care coverage for all 50, he could face a $2,000 fine per employee.
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he totally could face $100,000 in fines. certainly paralyzing there. now all the plans he had are on hold. he joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> thanks for being with us. so tell us your story. you started pet lodge and you wanted to expand it. you hear news of obamacare and then what? >> yeah. my business partners, tom brown, bill davis and myself, we opened five stores in four years. we had -- >> pretty good. >> yeah. business is very good. we have loyal customers and the employees love their jobs. we had plans to open four more stores within about a year or so. but with obamacare, it's cost prohibitive. >> this is your dream. you worked outside of this business for a long time, 29 years. i really want to make this happen. and then expand it. tell us a little bit about the stop. >> well, we started with a dream and everything was going great.
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but i can't help but think about that quote that the president had last year, you business owners, you didn't build that yourself. the government did. well, we didn't. we did it the old-fashioned way. we emptied our savings, mortgaged our homes, and we hoped it worked without any government help. but every step that we take it seems like we're working against the government. >> do you feel as though the government is trying to crush businesses like yourself? >> i don't know about crush us, but they're certainly not helping us. you see the movement toward jacking up the minimum wage. they've rolled back the bush tax cuts. they're buried a lot of tax surprises in the code to pay for obamacare. it's certainly not helpful. >> i know harry reid takes the senate floor and he says these obamacare suffering stories, they're lies. what do you have to say to him? >> i could agree with harry reid, but then we'd both be wrong. people are losing their insurance after the president said they wouldn't.
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businesses are on the side line not expanding because of the expensive obamacare. these aren't lies. these are real stories that real people are experiencing. >> you're fighting to keep your business going. i know you're also fighting for your daughter's life. i want to give everyone the web site here. where can they go to find out more about her struggles and fight? >> today is her birthday. she's ten years old today. our web site is hannah' if you want to donate, you can do it. we're the only charity in the world for her very rare disease. it's kind of like lou gehrig's disease, but strikes kids. >> we'll have everybody go there and check it out. thank you so much for bringing us the real story on businesses and how they're being affected. >> thank you. >> coming up, she didn't want to live by their rules, so decided to sue her own parents. is she just entitled or are the parents to blame? dr. ablow going to weigh in on that next. but first this day in 1770, americans rebellion against the british began with the boston massacre in 1960.
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elvis presley ended his two-year hitch in the army. in 1977, barbra barbra streisand the number one song in america, "evergreen." ♪ ♪ chico's effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and
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the answer to the aflac trivia yes is nicky taylor. the winner is from alabama. you're getting a copy of my book. 7 minutes before the top of the hour. let's talk to dr. ablow.
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the teen suing her parents for college tuition losing her case. what is going on? is she entitled, spoiled or are there deep family issues? is this indemic of problems in our society today? joining us, dr. keith ablow. are you ready to answer that question? what do you sense from this case? >> i'm ready. i'm glad the judge ruled against rachel because the bottom line is we can't have adolescents, 18 yearlies or for that matter, 12-year-olds differing with their parents about the level of support to which they're entitled and suing them because it would hang a sort of damaclese over every american family, wondering, what if we make this decision to try to enforce these rules? will our children lawyer up, which would be a cottage industry for lawyers and sue us? >> let me ask you this, that's the sort of financial issue here in terms of being emancipated or not. in terms of emotionally and family, is there a chance for
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this family to work with this specter of litigation. on the psychological side, i don't know this family. so for all i know, this young woman has taken a very high road. i don't know. maybe her parents are too much the disciplinarians. maybe they won't support her goals. if she funded her education, good for her. maybe she shouldn't resolve things. >> when you see an e-mail like this, this is from rachel to her mom, i blank hate you and i'm writing you off.
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don't talk to me. don't do anything. i'm blocking you from everything. have a nice life, bye, mom. this is a voice mail that they recorded and logged there. reaction? >> that's either a terribly tragic thing from a young woman who doesn't appreciate her parents or incredibly healthy thing from a young woman who has been psychologically tortured by her parents and finally saying get out of my life. >> until ablow gets them in the office, we don't know for sure. >> we want them in the office. they should have been in somebody's office a long time ago. apparently they decided a courtroom was going to be the way they would resolve things ultimately. they needed help a long time ago. >> yeah. but really the only thing that's been solved is that they're not going to pay her high school tuition. we don't know about college. >> that's good. >> and the family is fractured. that is never good. dr. ablow joining us from boston with analysis, thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up. >> the military hiring muslim chaplains with ties to terror. could this decision make our brave men and women and place them in more danger? plus, one tough kitten putting
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up a fight for a piece of meat? this one dog. who won this battle? >> can i guess? >> no. ♪ ♪ ♪
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good morning. today is wednesday, march 5. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. blast off, russia has fired this weapon as president obama plays it cool. is the white house putting the midterms ahead of the missiles? we are live with the latest. >> harry reid doubling down on his attack on the koch brothers. >> these two brothers are about as unamerican as anyone that i can imagine. >> really? where is harry's outrage for the big democratic donors, if he has outrage about them. >> it's not easy being a pastor's daughter. just ask these two.
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>> just because i'm the youngest of four, everyone thinks they can tell me how to live my life. >> put your hand up on the table. >> you are breaking my rules. >> wow. we're going to go behind the altar with one family making it a reality show. talk about reality shows, that's what we are because mornings are better with friends. >> it's "fox & friends"! >> hello. >> i don't know exactly what mr. ed has to do with ash wednesday, but it is, so that was mr. ed and today is ash wednesday. yesterday was fat tuesday and mardi gras and today begins the 40-day season of lent. >> tomorrow is thursday. >> which means the next day after that is friday. >> exactly. >> there you go. we're going to review everything and go on-line and answer your questions about what day it is. >> in the meantime, thank you very much for joining us on this wednesday. we start with a fox news alert.
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the crisis in ukraine. just a couple hours, john kerry supposed to sit down with russia's foreign minister. this as the united states threatens to back out of the g8 summit if putin does not stand down. but russia continues to make military advances, this time launching an somewhere ballistic missile test as you're cranian leaders say they will hold firm in the region. amy kellogg is live in kiev following the very latest developments. there are plenty of them. >> reporter: yes. i do want to say with that test firing of the missile last night, everyone's reaction, including all the russia and ukraine experts i know, was kind of oh, no, what is this? it turns out it was a preplanned test and russia had notified the united states. so i think right now that is considered to be the least of it. nevertheless, you are absolutely right, the developments are fast and furious in this region. the head of security services
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here in ukraine today said he doesn't see an escalation in the last 24 hours in crimea, which is the area that russia does have operational control over. however, the police, border guards, the equivalent of the old kgb in ukraine are shoring up the border with russia because they're concerned about further provocation. people coming across the border from russia to try to stir up unrest. not necessarily troops and boots on the ground, but agents who will try to stir up pro-russia demonstrations in parts of eastern ukraine. in the meantime, the wheels of diplomacy supposedly are turn not guilty paris. we don't know where it stands. we know secretary of state kerry and russian foreign minister and the ukrainian foreign minister will hopefully get together to discuss the situation later this afternoon. the european union and russia talk about upping aid to ukraine at this sensitive time, steve. >> all right.
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amy kellogg live in kiev where it is noisy on this wednesday. thank you very much. >> it's kind of amazing yesterday as putin has a press conference, the president has a press conference and the secretary of state has one. putin explained we do not have troops in the crimea region, okay. and we did take action and we are concerned that a constitutional elected leader was legally ousted from his position. and he also said that neonazis were behind some of the unrest against jews. >> right. so we have putin focused on the region there. but president obama seems to be focused on the mid terms. this is part of the his remarks yesterday campaigning. some would deem him to be the campaigner in chief. critics would say this is his quote. something about mid terms, i don't know what it is about us, we get a little sleepy and distracted. we don't turn out to vote. we don't fund campaigns as passionately. that has to change and it's got to change right here because too much is at stake for us to let
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this opportunity slip by. >> so the president of the united states was at this fund-raiser last night at former senator chuck rob's house and keep in mind, he's a former community organizer. he's not really a diplomat. what's he more concerned with? control of the u.s. senate or what's going on over in russia and ukraine? it's interesting because he said, we may be able to deescalate over the next several days and weeks, but it's a serious situation and we're spending a lot of time. he wants to deescalate the deal in the ukraine so that he can instead focus on his top priority, which is getting his base to turn out in november. of course, what's he doing today to fire up his base? he's got an event in connecticut about the minimum wage. when you look at all the things going on right now in this crazy world of ours and he's focusing on the minimum wage, that says a lot about his priorities. >> perhaps it would also say he's minimizing what is going on because he has minimizeed policy over the past five years when it
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comes to our geopolitical threat right now. >> good point. >> it seems in many ways america is getting tired of the relations. heather nauert what, else is happening in the news? >> we got headlines. a fox news alert, brand-new video just in, this coming out of detroit and take a look at this. firefighters battling a massive fire at a three-story apartment building here. you can see the thick black smoke and also all those flames as they pour through that roof. we are hearing of residents of this building were forced to jump to safety. some of them were still in their pajamas. three people rushed to the hospital this morning. officials believe that building is now empty. no word yet on what started that fire. we'll update you as more information becomes available coming out of detroit a short while ago. the hunt is on for a friend of the alleged boston marathon bomber, dzhokhar tsarnaev. 23-year-old woman failed to return to massachusetts from a trip to chechnya with her family
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last year. she is seen here in this photo with dzhokhar tsarnaev and some friends. terrorism experts here now fear she's become radicalized and she wants to commit violence in the name of islam. she has been recently posting photos to social media sites that show women holding weapons and dressed as jihaddists. she also holds a u.s. passport. the senate votes today on the controversial nominee to head the civil rights division at the department of justice. he is facing harsh criticism for defending cop killer in court. this morning senate vote will require a 51-vote majority and analysts say it could be close. we'll keep you posted on this one. and this is a kitten on a mission. this little guy taking on a dog pretty much ten times his size. just for a piece of meat. that is meat hanging out of that dog's mouth. the kitty is fighting for it and fighting for it. that is one hungry cat. but eventually the dog wins.
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elisabeth, does it remind you - remind you of dinner time at home? >> yeah. the last chicken nugget. give it to me. >> there is no fight over a piece of meat in our house with the kids. everybody gets their own piece! >> your kids are all grown. >> we got to send a camera to her house. >> thanks, heather. god old harry reid, at it again. he takes the senate floor, still doubling down on the attack of the koch brothers. >> koch brothers don't care about maintaining the strong safety net of medicare and social security. and the koch brothers don't care about guarantee of affordable, quality health insurance for every american. what is going on with these two brothers who made billions of dollars last year in an attempt to buy our democracy is dishonest, deceptive, false, and unfair.
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these two brothers are about as unamerican as anyone that i can imagine. >> harry reid has a history of saying some crazy things on the senate floor. for instance, unamerican. i mean, that's over the line. but then you remember he said those crazy things about i know somebody who says mitt romney didn't pay taxes in ten years. then suggested that mitt romney was a felon. why does he say it on the senate floor? because there he has got immunity. if he was a real man and he really felt like that, say it off the floor where you don't have immunity. does he do that? no. >> by the way, i was talking to byron york earlier and he said this whole thing about picking a villain is just the latest choice because since the day one of this administration, they always find somebody to make the bad guy. listen. >> the whole idea right now is to tar a republican candidate with the villainy of the koch brothers because americans for prosperity, a group the koch brothers do fund, does a lot of ads that play in local elections
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and states around the country. so a democratic candidate, having villainized the koch brothers can say, my opponent is taking money from the koch brothers. that's the whole game here. >> yeah. when you look at donors, i think the koch brothers are down at number 59 in the order of influence. >> they're 59. >> george soros is ahead of them and you look at the all-time donors through the period of '89 through this current year, and you can see, democrats, the first two. at & t, a corporation, gives to both. koch brothers, 59, way downstream. >> right. harry reid choose to go specifically attack the koch brothers at number 59. no mention of george soros who tops the list and the top 15 are largely democratic. >> and i guess one of the lines he said was that republicans are hooked on koch. get it? you notice the top 15 all have a democratic tie. that's an interesting stat. i don't believe the rnc will run with that, but they would have that option.
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>> there is no direct correlation of george soros to those companies that were listed. but someone who has put money where his mouth and politics are. >> lots. >> 11 minutes after the top of the hour. >> coming up, the military hiring muslim chaplains with ties to terror. how this could possibly happen. you're going to be stunned. >> then trying to avoid those annoying baggage fee as soon as which airline is cracking down on those passengers and punishing you? we will reveal. ♪ ♪ announcer: where can an investor
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or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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under the command of president obama, the united states military is recruiting a new batch of muslim chaplains.
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only problem, recruiting them from a group with ties to terror. that group called the islamic society of north america, appears on this list of friends of the muslim brotherhood. let's not forget what the brotherhood says it's trying to accomplish. quote, work in america is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within. could our federal government and our commander in chief be putting america's bravest in danger? ryan morro is a national security analyst and joins us live today. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so this outfit that has been hired to provide two chaplains has a well-documented connection to extremist militants. >> that's exactly right. they are an unindicted co-conspirator and the country's largest terrorism financing trial in american history. we know from muslim brotherhood documents published that the muslim
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muslim brotherhood says this is one of their fronts and the justice department says. you have the muslim brotherhood linked organization helping the military to choose some of its muslim chaplains. >> who needs to infiltrate the military now? you have the military hire you! >> right. and it's much bigger than just this group, the islamic society of north america because the individual that originally set up the muslim chaplain program for the prisons and the military is a man who is now in prison on terrorism-related charges and he says that he was the secret member of the american branch of the muslim brotherhood from the beginning. >> in addition to the fact that we have hired two chaplains from this particular organization, we're also giving the organization money in an ad to promote the fact that we're doing business with them. >> right. so over at the clarion project, we were going through this organization's magazines and saw that there were advertisements from the u.s. air force. so we contacted the air force and we said, are you using taxpayer money to advertise in a
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muslim brotherhood-linked magazine and they said yes, we gave $5,000 for two advertise ams because we wanted their personnel to know that we want them to help us in recruiting chaplains. >> you don't have a problem with the military hiring muslim chaplains. you have a problem where they hire them from. >> absolutely. this organization is very influential. they say that they're essentially the gatekeepers of the muslim american community. if you look at a poll that came out in 2011, the percentage of muslim americans who say this epresents their interests registers in the single digits. by all means, have muslim chaplains, just be careful who you're working with. there is plenty of alternatives. >> what are you suggesting they coo with the two they hired from the group? >> you're certainly going to have to watch them very closely because if you look at the leadership of the islamic society of north america, they believe in this doctrine that they call gradualism toward implementing sharia in america and they have leaders have defend hamas and made other
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extremist statements. you don't want military chaplains saying that to muslim soldiers out in the field, saying things like oh, this is actually a war on islam. you want them to be promoting positive messages. >> sure. brian bringing this to our attention. thank you very much. >> thank you. all right. didn't know about that 'til now. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. straight ahead, any parent can relate, your baby won't stop crying. one couple left this nasty note to new parents telling them they should have left their screaming kid at home and not taken them on vacation to a swanky resort. your comments pouring in on this. we're going to share them straight ahead. and elisabeth is launching a very special series today shedding light on some uniquely american stories. who is up first? start your engines. >> i'm darryl and looking forward to the launch of "my america." buckle up, next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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time for headlines. united airplanes is cracking down on carry ons. the airline is enforcing their policies on oversized luggage much more strictly. passengers whose bags exceed the dimensions will be sent back to the ticket counters and forced to pay a 25-dollar fee. the size limit, nine inches by 14 inches, by 22 inches. get out the measure. dramatic rescue caught on camera. life guards in florida running into crashing waves to save three young children inside that
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mini van. you can see one man pulling the last of the three kids out of the trunk. it's believed the mom intentionally drove into the ocean. elisabeth? well, this morning we're bringing you a brand-new series called "my america." they're stories about all of us, things we all care about, sometimes they're amusing. other times they're heartfelt. but they're always going to be unexpected, thought provoking and uniquely american. we want to shed some light on who we are as a nation and who we are longing to be. we're going to have a lot of fun along the way. it's a journey that will capture as much of your america as it does my america. our first story looks at a young guy who is determined to become the next big star of his sport. 20 years old, darryl wallace, junior, turned heads last year when he did something that hadn't been done in nascar in
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almost 50 years. now everyone is waiting to see if he can take that talent to the next level. >> darryl wallace, junior, sees the white flag one more time! >> coming down the last four or five races into the season and we were starting to wonder, are we going to get us a win? before that, we just come up short. rookie mistakes on my end. the biggest thing for me and my team is we finally got a win. >> darryl wallace, junior is going to get his first win of the series! >> this emotional win brought him to the spotlight not just because it was his first big victory on nascar's circuit, it was the first time an african-american won a nascar race since we understandle scott broke stock racing's color barrier nearly 50 years ago. >> how does it feel to be in victory lane? >> oh, my god! i don't know, man. i'm speechless right now. god, i couldn't even hold it
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together. >> that's shark track racing. beating and banging and being able to go to pit stops and get back out first. it's a huge effort. >> coach and now race car owner joe gibbs saw promise in darryl when he signed him to a development driver deal when he was just 16 years old. >> the great thing about sports, you can't con your way. you can't talk your way. you can't buy your way. you got to race your way. i think he's done that. >> great expectations ride on the shoulders of darryl, who started racing by chance when a guy who rebuilt his father's harley invited them to his go-cart facility when he was nine. >> yeah, that's where you have the most fun, being banged a little bit and go for the win. >> once darryl got behind the wheel, there was no stopping him, setting records on different race tracks on the weekend racing circuit. but not everyone was a fan. >> when you do win, people didn't like it. throw out some slurs or hand gestures and give me the number
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one sign and i'll give them a thumbs up back and go out there and win again. the fans didn't like that i was beating their home track favorites. i didn't care. i wanted to win. >> with those days behind him, everyone wants him to win now, including nascar, who is trying to break old stereotypes and build a bigger fan base. the organization's drive for diversity program is in its tenths year and darryl is one of their most promising graduates. >> it's tough, a kid out of college trying to come through. i see it trying to beat the other guys. you beat kyle bush. when he runs with us, that's the number one guy to beat. if you're beating him, you're winning the race. >> with all this evidence, one question remains. just how far with darryl wallace, junior, go? >> that's going to be the question. it's always with young athletes, and particularly in this sport, you've got to race your way to the top. >> you got to come into the sport with a heavy head on your
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shoulders and be ready to fight. they're not scared to rub up against you and you can't be scared back. show them you're there, too. i'm very excited. got to make the most of it. i got to do better than one win. i really think we got a good shot. >> it's also important to note that without darryl's parenting, he might never have gotten where he is today. his dad, who owns an industrial cleaning business, estimates he investedded more than a million dollars to support his son's career before joe gibbs signed him at 16. it's quite a commitment for the parents. i said they start young. the average age for the top drivers in the nascar's top circuit, six years old when they start. >> is that right? >> on average. >> driving what? >> go-carts on back trails and the challenge is really getting to as many of those small races as possible. it's a huge commitment for parents. great drivers. >> the thing is, when you come up, if you try to go cheap, you use old tires, you use old
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equipment and therefore, you can't get ahead. so even if you're a tremendous driver, you got to overcome the finances and a lot of times if you pick one kid, say my oldest wants to race, what about the other kids? a lot of times there isn't enough money to do things with them. >> making tracks with the tires and really making history here when it comes to darryl. he's going to be headed back to martinsville, his first visit since last year's historic win when the truck series resumes on saturday, march 29. you can catch it all starting at 1:00 p.m. eastern time on fox sports 1. next time, my america is going to explore mutten busten. the great american pastime that started as a half time attraction where kids ride sheep and hold on for dear life. we're going to look at whether the average parent would even let their kid participate. don't miss "my america," a new series here on "fox & friends." >> back in the '70s, i might have done that in kansas, but
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that was before youtube. >> how did you do? i would pay to see that. >> i went flying like a missile at one point. >> i'm going to try. have you mutten busted? >> no, i've never mounted a sheep. >> we're thankful. >> straight ahead, remember the congressman who said this about the republican health care plan? >> if you get sick, america, the republican health care plan is this: die quickly. >> this morning police want a word with alan grayson. >> and look at the size of my nose. i got to hang out with former first lady barbara bush in houston. but it didn't last long. she kicked me out for somebody else. find out who straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪
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[ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.®
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♪ ♪ shot of the morning, president george h.w. bush and brad paisley posing for a selfy.
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paisley performed last night in houston, but the former president was not able to make it. so the singer went to him. how classy. brad paisley basically owns nashville. >> he's outstanding. >> what do brad paisley and steve doocy have in common? >> we both took selfies. i took that one with barbara bush and she said right after i snapped it, she goes, steve, that camera is way, way too close. and speaking of paisley, i actually took the former president a pair of very bright socks because he now is known as the fashion plate wearing a loft crazy socks. i was invited to the bush house because 25 years ago tomorrow, the barbara bush foundation for family literacy kicked off. 30 million americans in this country do not speak english and cannot read. so it's the intent of the foundation to get as many literate as possible because that's the best way to a good life. in addition to talk being her found aches, we talked --
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foundation, we talked politics. her entire family it seems has gone into public service. when you criticize her, it's one thing. but if you criticize her husband or her children, that's another. barbara bush. >> that hurts when people criticize george w. and don't ever dare do it in front of me. or behind me really. >> when your husband was president, was the criticism that they took not as tough on you as when you saw the press attack your son? >> and others, yes. attacking the son. george is much more generous than i am, but i'm very proud of george we did what he thought was right, whether it was politically astute or not. i'm more proud of my husband because he did what he knew was right when he knew it would lose the election for him.
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i have wonderful male members of my family and the best daughter the world ever knew. >> one thing i will say about the bush presidents is after they left the white house, they didn't go on television to complain about the guy who has got the job right now. that's classy. >> right. they wouldn't have done that. george w and george hw, just would never have done that. thank heavens we have someone who is controlled in the family other than you know who. i stopped saying what i think now. >> why? >> just until the end of the election. >> yeah. and we also talked a little bit about jeb because she famously said there have got to be more than three families out there who run for president and then she was remained of the fact that doris goodwin wrote there were three families in the
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1700s. so she said i'm okay with it. >> you asked if she would vote for him. >> she said her son, jeb bush, is the most qualified for the job and she would vote for him in the primary and general election. >> it will be fascinating 'cause jeb easily could say, i'm not gog run. this time i'm thinking about it. so we could be right back there. >> that's right. >> great interview. >> thank you very much. if you would like more information about the literacy program, go to barbarabush >> now heather nauert. >> steve, i love how you went down there during the show, pulled it all together and back today. >> just like that. >> she's so refreshing, that honesty. >> she's terrific. a great role model. >> all right. got some headlines. less than an hour from now, former irs official lois lerner is expected to face lawmakers on capitol hill over her role in the agency's targeting of tea party groups. the question is, will she testify today? her attorney says that she fears for her life if she testifies
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openly. house oversight committee members are reportedly willing to grant her a one-week delay if she asks for it in person at today's hearing. we'll keep you posted. she was targeted by union goons and fighting back. construction company executive and her family are being harassed by union members in philadelphia because she won't add more union labor to her job site. they are allowed to do this, allowed to harass her because some obscure law in that state. it protects labor groups from being prosecuted for harassment. but she has a state legislator on her side who has tried to end it. she joined us to talk about it. listen to this. >> i think the spirit of the law, hopefully there was good intentions, but clearly it's being used in an improper way. >> absolutely. >> it can't continue.
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we need to be able to prosecute people. >> republican state legislator ron miller has just introduced a bill to change that law. and do you remember the congressman who said this about the republican health care plan? >> if you get sick, america, the republican health care plan is this: die quickly. >> well, today police say they would like to have a word with alan grayson, the disgraced democrat's wife filed for divorce in january and accused him of pushing her during an argument. grayson says that is all a lie. so far no charges have been filed. and another case of a nasty note. this one on vacation. guests at ski resort slipped this note under the door of new parents 'cause the baby wouldn't stop crying. the letter reads, quote, babies don't ski. no reason to bring them o a ski resort. i never brought my babies to a place like this. i was always considerate of others.
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not selfish. that story getting a lot of people talking today, including us. you all are hearing from them. what are they saying? >> we definitely have been hearing from people. mary has tweeted, quote, screaming babies belong at home. why should your baby ruin holidays, dinners, et cetera for everybody else? don't be selfish. >> another viewer said the argument that they pay like everybody else does not fly. how about i bring a set of drums on vacation and request a room right next to you? i assume that's to me. >> and julie tweeted, anyone who has complaints has no idea what they're talking about. talk to parents who vacation together. that's selflessness. >> it is a double-edged sword. go ahead and keep it coming. >> by the way, that's why i never vacation with ringo star because he does travel with his drums. >> indeed. let's travel outside. maria molina is here in mid opportunity to manhattan where it's above 30. >> finally feeling better here in the northeast. that's going to be the trend
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over the next several days. today in new york city, 37 degrees. in parts of texas, in the 50s and 60s. and farther west, still very warm in arizona. phoenix expecting a high temperature at 81 degrees. then take a look at friday. mid 40s for new york city. 40s for chicago. by saturday, the warming trend continues along the east. close to 70 in atlanta and in the 50s in new york city. so again, a little warmer as we head into the next several days. we have some snow across parts of the midwest. about three to five inches expected in some localized areas with that storm system. farther south, we have heavy rain across parts of the gulf coast. you need the umbrella and farther west across northern california and the pacific northwest, another storm system impacting that region bringing in areas of rain and flooding concerns. let's head back inside. >> all right. maria molina, thank you. it's a story that has lots of people talking. a teen-ager suing her own parents for money. even though she didn't want to obey their rules. is this just about entitlement
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or are the parents to blame? judge alex here next on that. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. new fast acting advil. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and
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a big loss for a new jersey teen suing her own parents because they won't pay her tuition. a judge denied rachel canning's request that her folks pay her high school tuition and living costs. she says her parents threw her out when she turned 18. mom and dad say she refused to follow the rules or do the chores. this case far from over. here to break down the details is a guy that's been down this road before. he's tv's judge alex. first off, are you surprised the judge ruled in favor of the parents? >> no, i'm not surprised. nothing screams entitlement generation like an 18-year-old who says i don't want to live by
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the rules. i want to drink. i want to stay out. and by the way, i want you to pay my college. i'm going to move out. take care of it, will you? so i don't think that she's going to prevail at the hearing. this was just the temporary support hearing and the judge said no, i'm not giving you temporary support. the actual hearing is coming up in maybe a month or so. but you should know that the law varies across the country. some states say a child is emancipated when they hit 18, presumably. some 21, some when they enter the military or get married. but new jersey basically doesn't have a set period. it says a child is emancipated when they move beyond the sphere of influence, obtaining their own independence. i would argue a child who says i'm not following your rules and moves out does just that. >> a parent who says you have rules, that's the price of admission for a family. the question is whether the judge in this case will say, okay, parents, you have to pay
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her college tuition. is there an implicit agreement between a kid and their parents if i do a good job at school, you're going to -- i'm sure they're going to try to pull that kind of contract thing going forward, wouldn't they? >> yeah, except it's not a contract. it's a gift. a parent can say, i'm going to pay your tuition and then say, you know what? you're misbehaving. parenting is a parent's right. courts have no business there. even parents who spank their children at some point can't spank them. the only discipline you can have is we're not going to give you this. and part of that can be private school, move to you public school. take away your college tuition, and judges were elected to be judges. they were not elected to be god. they were not elected to be parents and they should stay out of those decisions. likewise, the parent of the child's friend who she's living with, who has decided to fund this litigation against the parents, needs to mind his own business, raise his own child and let these parents raise
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theirs. >> this is much to do about setting precedent in terms of the rules and kids coming forward as the judge said, looking to sue for the next x box. >> you're absolutely right. where does it end if a child can say, hey, even though i'm 18, i'm going to move out of the house, or i'm going to stay under your roof and i'm not going to follow your rules and i'm not going to do what you want me to do. but by the way, pay my college. then the next step will be you need to buy me a car. you're obligated to do that because i need to get to work. you'll have to pay for my x box and other things. it's a slippery slope as the judge pointed out in the hearing. >> it is. judge alex joining us from atlanta with his analysis on the case. thank you very much. >> always a pleasure. >> a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. it's not easy being a pastor's daughter. just ask these folks. >> just because i'm the youngest of four, everyone thinks they can tell me how to live my life. >> put your hand up on the table. >> you are breaking my rules.
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>> your rules are crazy! >> more up next. we go behind the altar. come on in, you're next. >> first, let's check in with martha for what is coming up at the top of the hour. hey, martha. >> good morning. so nobody knows really what's going to happen this morning when lois lerner comes back before darrell issa's oversight committee. is she going to talk and answer questions or won't she? we will find out together at 9:30 eastern this morning. and paul ryan says i can't believe we lost to these guys. as critics slam the president's handling of this crisis, we hear from charles krauthammer and richard haas. we'll go to paris for the breaking news when we see you at the top of the hour mine was earned in korea in 1953.
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afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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welcome back. it's not easy being a pastor's daughter. just ask these two. today we are getting one family behind the altar to be with us now. what happens when the sermon ends and everybody heads home? >> just because i'm the youngest of four, everyone thinks they can tell me how to live my life. >> put your hand up on the table. >> you were breaking my rules. >> your rules are crazy! >> they're one of our four families featured on "preachers daughters" which premieres on lifetime tonight. this is exciting to have you. welcome. i want to ask you, we see that side of you there. you're so honest and fresh and you're working on a web series. i know with sadie robertson that's really gone wild virally. >> yeah, thankfully. we're very surprised, but gratefully surprised it's been going so well. >> you're here to get the word out. but tell us what we can expect this season and why you wanted to be p this.
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>> for my family, you can expect just me kind of battling what i want to do as far as after high school goes 'cause i graduate this year. so that's a big battle and some other little things in the family. but there is a lot. >> big surprises. >> you're an interesting family 'cause you come from two preaching parents, right, so your mom and dad, which is odd enough. you take your church all over the place. you minister to women not in one church, but all over and centers. >> i do. i manage two pregnancy centers, crisis pregnancy centers. when i speak, i'm able to share my faith, but also able to share how going through an abortion affected my life and how they're feeling after that. >> really sending a message there. so you guys have been divorced for eight years? >> about eight years. >> eight years. really it's a story of really restoration in the sense of coming through that. in this life, everybody is going to have trials and struggles and
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no one is immune to it. we went through our own struggles and trials and because of our faith in the lord issues that's what brought us through that whole divorce process and brought restoration. >> everybody thinks they have it figured out when they think of a preacher's family. you guys are throwing a stick into the wheel. we came off of talking about the new jersey teen suing her parents. i know there was some situations here where you had him follow regulations and rules at home. what would you say to the family here who is probably struggling to put things back together? >> keep on keeping on. >> i mean, my heart breaks for the family. i saw that and i heard about it and i saw it. i have four daughters. colby is our youngest. i couldn't even imagine my girls when they're upset with me, it's upsetting enough. but to actually sue me or -- i don't understand that. but it's the world we live in today it seems like. >> is it ever too late for a child to come home? >> i don't think so.
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if you look at the prodigal child, the story in the bible, the young man who went off to sow his own oats and ended up in the pig pen and came to his revelation of, hey, there is more to life than this and came home and his father welcomed him with open arms. there is always hope and faith brings hope and then if it's embraced with love, there is always a chance. always. >> quickly before we go, tell everybody your web series again. >> on youtube called the new different. every monday night i post a video. >> excellent with sadie robertson. we love you. "preachers daughters" coming up. more "fox & friends" moments away. thank you. >> thank you [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah.
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anything for tomorrow? >> absolutely. sleep week continues, figure out some gadgets to help you get to sleep. special pillow. plus the family is with us in the after the show show. log on now. >> we still have three seconds. what do you want to do? >> see you tomorrow. martha: lois lerner just arriving on capitol hill for a hearing on the irs scandal. what's going to happen? will the -- will she testify? will she take the fifth again? we'll have it live. first a showdown in the ukraine standoff. secretary of state john kerry and the ukraine president will be face to face.


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